Let everyone sweep in front of their own door, the whole world would be clean.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheLet everyone sweep in front of their own door, the whole world would be clean.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWe one day thought that it would be great if each one of us were in charge of keeping up to date our contact data in our friends' phonebooks. We were sure that this way the phonebook's data quality would be much better. So we decided to create a mobile app to do it. That simple. That powerful.
So we created an app that works without your interaction and doesn't make you a slave. A mobile app that you download and it works in stand-alone mode. Because if technology works that way it looks like magic. That's what we call "Perpetuall magic".
Install and forget. It'll work for you.
We are Deusto University Engineers based in Bilbao.
Deusto Entrepreneurship Center.
Avda. Universidades 24.
48007, Bilbao, Spain
[email protected]